Monday, July 6, 2009

Pet peeves... and stuff

OMG, so i was out driving... minding my own business, when I see a car pulling out of a gas station, trying to cross the 2 lanes of traffic going the opposite direction to come into my lane... not even looking my way. Normally, I do try to be kind to my fellow drivers, but I have NO tolerance for stupidity. If you don't even look my direction and would hit me unless I slow down or stop, I am NOT happy. So, I used the device that my husband despises (my horn!), because if they kept going, they were going to dent in my driver's side door. What do they do... give ME the finger. Wait a flippin' minute here. They gave ME the finger because they weren't looking and almost hit me. Seriously. Well, to help my blood pressure return to something out of possible stroke range, I did some yoga breathing while I laid on the horn through the next intersection (oh, yeah, I forgot the best part, they gave me the finger, and they kept driving, forcing me to slam on my brakes!!). Sigh... one of these days I may see how "all terrain" my rather large SUV is and try it on the good people who invoke this road rage in me (joke, of course!!)...

From that delightful experience, I went to the grocery store for one of the 3-4 weekly trips... let me say that there was a reason in my single days that I went to the grocery store at night when no one was there... people seriously don't understand grocery store etiquette. You walk and drive your cart as if you are driving a car (ok, so maybe this is the problem, since this is assuming they know how to properly drive a car, which an awfully high percentage of folks in the area I moved DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!!)... drive on the right, pass on the left. Don't park your cart sideways in the middle of the aisle or walk in the middle of the aisle... don't stop and chat it up with your neighbors/friends/colleagues and park your cart right next to them (making it 1000% impossible to get through an aisle) and then act like I am the one with the problem when I say "excuse me".... and to the cashiers... seriously, I KNOW it is not a glamorous job, but it pays the bills... not sure why quite a few of them don't smile, don't say hi, and sure as heck don't say thank you... and act as if they are doing you some great huge favor by ringing up your groceries... sigh. Sometimes I miss my little hometown immensely - everyone there may have been a bit honky-tonk'ish, but at least they were nice and didn't have a chip on their shoulder.

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