Monday, June 29, 2009


Looking at my post-baby body in the mirror is a bit of a shock... cellulite (seriously, at 5'9'', 130 lb, I have cellulite????), muffin top - ok, so maybe even more than muffin top, more like total spare tire around the mid section, saddle bags... argh. I thought, ok, all I have to do is lose the baby weight, and I will at least resemble my former self. And since I just won't be happy with myself and love myself until I get into shape, I am going to write my goals down here... for all the world to see, if anyone so chooses (not likely, but since the possiblity is there, I will NOT fail).

1) Be able to run (outside, not on a treadmill, elliptical, etc) outside for 5 miles without stopping. This may not seem like much, but I am NOT a runner. In fact, I always finished last all throughout high school when we had to run .5 and 1 mile stints for the Presidential Fitness stuff. Unfortunately, our gym teachers only ever made us "run" (i.e, as long as we were not walking, we could skip, hop, jog lightly - I kid you not) for only 3-5 minutes at the beginning of every class. They never made us build up to the mile. I don't know how on earth that was ever supposed to prepare me for anything but failure. Anyhow, I AM going to be able to run - not just a mile - 5 miles - no excuses.

2) Decrease my body fat by 50% - no clue where I am now, but man oh mighty do I have a lot of belly fat going on now. Partillay, I do think that the diet higher in fat (b/c I am still breastfeeding) is to blame. Time to step it up and work at this from not only a work-out perspective but also a diet perspective. I WILL become healthy (I will NOT eat junk food. I will NOT stop at the ice cream shop 3-4 x's per week. I will NOT choose juice and the added calories when I am just as satisfied with water. I WILL incorporate 1-2 vegetarian meals into our meal plan every week - healthy vegetarian meals with GOOD fats and balance. I am not talking just spaghetti and marinara sauce here... I WILL eat at least 20% of my food raw - raw veggies, raw fruits, raw nuts... I WILL buy more organic meats (we are only there with select cuts of beef and turkey)... I WILL do all of this not only for MYSELF - which is so important, since as a mom, I do everything for everyone else... but I will also do this for my family. To make sure that I give my children a head start on a healthy path and way of life - so they are not a statistic (Once I heard that their generation will not live as long as my generation, I know that I need to help them NOW)... I WILL do this because I deserve to be healthy - my family deserves to be healthy. I have a choice every time I go to put something in my mouth... and I WILL make the right choices from this point forward.

3) To help me achive a decreased overall body fat composition, I WILL work-out at least 5 days per week. I WILL order Shaun T's new program and I WILL complete it and reap as many of the benefits as possible in the 60 days. I CAN commit to 60 days... 2 months... only a fraction of a year... to getting myself in the best shape that I can be. I WILL use ChaLean Extreme while I await the release of "Insanity", and I WILL not be a wimp during the work-outs. I WILL push myself... why?? Beacuse I am worth it... I can do this... I WILL NOT FAIL!

By this time next year, I WILL be able to put on a bikini and feel 100% comfortable in it. I WILL be healthy. I WILL be strong. I WILL be a role model for my children. I will be a better mom, better wife, better person... because I will be able to look in the mirror and feel confident and like the person who is staring back at me. I will NOT need anyone else's approval about how I look. I will KNOW deep down that I look healthy... I look fit... I look amazing...because I will not treat my body with disrespect any longer. I will only use food for energy and not for any sort of emotional solace. I will feel good enough about myself to not need this solace.

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