Monday, June 22, 2009

Addicted to Infomercial Work-Outs

Ever since I was a teenager, I loved sitting down on the weekend and tuning in to infomercials - not the ones about a shammie that can hold 2 tons of water or the plug-in thing that can rid your home of roaches... but good ole work-out infomercials. I am a junkie for the before and after pictures. I think I may have started with Tae-Bo and my obsession with Billy Blanks (until I torn my meniscus from kickboxing) and it continues through today... sitting here, waiting for the magical email from BeachBody touting that Shaun T's new work-out "Insanity" is available.

With kids, popping in a DVD is SO much easier than packing a bag for the gym, hopping in the car, driving to the gym, trying to find a spot in one of the "popular" classes like Zumba or spinning, doing whatever else at the gym before getting back in the car to drive home to 2 demanding little creatures who missed me the 1 1/2 - 2 hours I was gone (then I have to factor in the cost of the sitter for that time). I have totally jumped ship on the idea that my children will ever stay in the day care that is provided by our gym free of charge (that would be way too easy)... the mere thought of hearing my name over the loud speaker and having to leave my coveted spot in the spin class was too much to bare. It didn't help that the other people in the class have to watch me do the walk of [parental] shame to go and gather my little monkeys. At the beginning, I would actually convince myself that it was a fluke and the kids would be okay in the childcare for just an hour while I worked-out... so we would brave the gym again... I would not have to endure comments from other people in the class saying "Trying it again, huh?" or "How long do you think they will last today?" but I had to sit there praying silently that the kids would be okay instead of concentrating on my spinning. Just when I would get a little comfy, thinking they DID IT - I WILL be able to work out and use the free child care that comes with the membership - then, the loud speaker would crackle "Would the parent of "X" please come to the child care center immediately?"... my nerves just cannot take that kind of abuse.

So, my addiction with infomercial exercise programs continues. DVD's can be done during nap times (not that my kids nap) or at least when the kids are doing an art project, playing with Playdough, eating their snack - something that can buy me some time to get the workout started before their little attention span starts to wander. Most times they end up abanding said project/activity to come and jump around in the living room with the Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, Zumba DVD. Can I fully concentrate on my workout with 2 little 3 ft humans running under my legs as I attempt to do round house kicks, avoiding their moving targets? Nope, but it is better than the alternative of the dreaded gym...

So, I sit here, waiting for Shaun T's Insanity to help re-juvenate my work-out routine (downside of DVDs - they can become boring, even when you have YBB (gotta love the squishy ball), Turbo Jam, PiYo, Winsor Pilates, ChaLean Extreme, a few of Jillian Michael's workouts, various yoga work-outs, the Fluidity bar work-outs, Core Secrets library... and a few other random ones.)... good news, at least the ads when I do the Google search are telling me the price now...

Getting closer to the release date - yippee!!!!!

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