Friday, June 19, 2009

So, I finally watched the latest Bachelorette episode... I want to preface what I am about to say with this: I do like Jillian. I think that she is there for the right reasons - I think that she really does want to find her Prince Charming (or best friend, in Jill speak) and is not there for some self-promotion, publicity, etc. BUT... I have been a bit taken back by her tippsy-ness this season, which the producers put out there for all of America to see (nothing against Jillian here - she is a petite little thing and I'm sure even a small dose of bubbly would make her head spin). I saw it the first time a few weeks ago at one of the cocktail parties before the rose ceremony... then again when she was talking to Kiptyn (esp) at the group date. I feel like the producers should try to take as much of that out for her sake as possible - wasn't the hot tub scene enough for one person to bare?

Anyhow, I feel bad for Jillian - with Ed leaving (and she obviously liked him!), I couldn't help but feel pangs in my heart when she was doing the whole "Am I good enough" line of questioning. Yes, Jillian, you ARE good enough... anyone who comes into the situation, knowing full well that they are putting their life on hold (and, seriously, Ed's boss knew what going on the show entails as well!) to find that certain someone, and for him to leave like that... ARGH! A bit cowardly IMHO... and honestly, I think that she's better off weeding people out who just don't have their whole heart into the process.

Hmmm... let's see, so, I am a bit convinced that the whole Wes thing is a scam... I mean, Jillian has a good head on her shoulders. I know she likes country music and all, but again, she is not that guillible to just sigh and faint into the lap of someone who writes her one stinkin' song!!! I've read a few things out there on the internet confirming that Wes has a steady g/f of 3+ years... and, honestly, I just don't see any sincerity in his eyes, voice, body language that he is into Jillian. I guess every season needs a villian... looks like time will tell about good ole Wes. I will need to see a lot to be convinced that he's in it for the right reasons...

Front runners in my mind: Kiptyn, Reid, Jake... I think I put Jake in the mix b/c that's who I personally would like not so much that I see a ton of chemistry between her and Jake. Honestly, I am just glad that David is gone. I couldn't see her getting along with him AT ALL. The one scene where he tried to pull her shirt up - WHAT was that? David could be a great guy in real life, but that is certainly NOT the character they had us believing he is on the show!!

Looking forward to more of the Bachelorette... hope Jill finds her happily ever after.

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